Saturday, 10 April 2010

Being like Christ.

I am struggling with people who seek to make me unChristlike.

You probably know the sort. Those people who come into your consciousness and promise much, taking everything and yet contributing nothing! Continually apologising for their inactivity and yet, still beating their breast, continuing to be inactive, neither relinquishing the roles or jobs they have taken up nor doing anything with them.

Like a black hole the vacuum takes whatever is available and yet regardless of  input and attention, or desire on their part, nothing comes from it until suddenly you receive an awful missive labelling others and exuding bitterness and bile. They depart having achieved nothing and remaining, however much has been taken, empty.

I wonder how many times Jesus experienced this. How many people lumped the blame upon Him and walked, assuming they were right, away from Him. Perhaps the sadness and pain of such loss is something we should be grateful for - an opportunity to share in the pain He knew. Perhaps the prayers we continue to utter for those who have walked away enables us to bring Christ into places where He might otherwise  not be.

Perhaps this is a chance to be blessing where others bring their curses and their corrupt and flawed understanding of what it means to be Christian. perhaps, and even if not do we not continue to endure the pain of loss, the offer of friendship thrown back in our faces, the condemnations and accusing fingers providing merely an opportunity to take up our Cross and follow Him?

No one ever said the scenery would always be fun did they?